Another great possible addition to your 150 gallon fish tank is the Yellow Stripe Maroon Clownfish. This fish looks remarkably like the normal Maroon Clownfish, but will develop yellow stripes on the forehead, midsection, and tail, instead of the often seen white. They are stunningly beautiful and fairly easy to take care of considering how specialized their existence is.
Another great addition to your 150 gallon fish tank if you decide to go the salt water route is that of an anemone. Sea Anemone, or Entacmaea quadricolor, is a welcomed addition to both the tank and the clownfish, as they exist in a symbiotic relationship in nature. Both the clownfish and the Anemone have a hearty nature, but they still require some careful watching, making them a great combination for the beginning aquarium enthusiast.
No matter which animals or plants you choose to put in your fish tank, it will probably give you years of enjoyment. With the proper maintenance and care, it is a hobby that just about anyone can enjoy.
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