Wednesday, January 10, 2007

125 gallon fish tank (2)

Tank Shape
Another thing to consider when choosing a place to put your 125 gallon fish tank is the overall shape of the tank. Is it rectangle or square? How high is it? Or perhaps it is oval? Depending on the exact dimensions of your chosen tank, certain areas of the office might be a better choice than others.

Access to a Power Supply
Another consideration that must be considered with placing your 125 gallon fish tank is how easily a good source of power can be accessed. The simple fact is that the last thing you want in your office is a mess of cords and wires snaking across your floor. Not only is that a bad decorating decision for just about any professional work place, it can also be dangerous. On the slim chance that the tank would break, having a number of cords on the ground can lead to an electrocution hazard. So, be sure to choose a place where electric for the light is easily reached.
As you can see, there are a number of things to consider when placing a 125 gallon fish tank in your office. However, with careful placement, it can offer years of enjoyment to both your employees and clients.

125 gallon fish tank (1)

The Best Places to Put Your 125 Gallon Fish Tank
Having a 125 gallon fish tank in an office can be a great way to relax potential clients and bring a welcoming feeling of home to you and your co-workers. What person isn't automatically drawn to watch a fish swim by or an anemone wave quietly in the water? In order to choose the best place to house your fish tank, it is best to consider a number of factors including visibility, support, tank shape, and access to power.

One consideration in the placement of a 125 gallon fish tank is where to place in order to have the best view of the aquarium. For the tank to have the desired affect on both the clients and employees, it's best to have it located in a central place where everyone can enjoy it.

A 125 gallon fish tank, when full, can weigh thousands of pounds, and exert a great deal of pressure on the underlying floor. Needless to say, choosing the place that offers the most support is essential in placing something of this size. The best idea is to look at the blueprints and construction diagrams of the office and find a location that will distribute the weight of the tank evenly across the floor. Usually the best choice for the 125 gallon fish tank is to place it on the ground floor a major support beam. That way the weight will be distributed evenly.